Okay, seriously guys. Valentines day is coming up.
I'm already hearing the usual complaints and stuff.
So here's my two cents in a form of an obnoxious facebook rant.
So, let me get this straight: Valentines day is supposed to be a holiday about love, right?
So, you're complaining because you don't have someone to show love to, right?
So, this means that you just have a ton of extra love laying around, but you're a victim somehow because you don't have anyone to show it to.
That seems kind of like a waste of love to just leave it there lying around and complain that you have no one to give it to.
Here's a newsflash: THERE ARE PEOPLE IN YOUR LIFE.
I'll make this really simple:
1. You have the capacity to love people and make them happy.
2. For some reason, you're just complaining because no one is showing love to you
3. That's dumb.
Give this Valentines day away. I don't care if you're with someone or single. Make sure that the people around you have the best day ever.
Make cards for random people. Give someone a hug. Send a letter to your parents. Give a homeless person a few dollars. I don't care. Just don't complain that you don't have anyone to love, because there's a ton of people around you. Go show them some love. Get over yourself and make someone's day.
That is all. Thank you for putting up with my obnoxiousness.
Happy Valentines Day.